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Change Image For Mac Volume

вторник 30 октября admin 47
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Microsoft exchange keeps asking for password. 5) Click apply, and close out. Now you’ll need to update the user account to use the new alternative UPN instead of the old. 3) Select “Properties” 4) The “UPN Suffixes” window will open, simply type in an alternative UPN (your external domain name), and hit add. Open the Exchange control panel, open the user mailbox, and you’ll be able to switch the user to the new UPN.

For example, if a USB device or volume is 80 GB with 10 GB of data, the disk image will be 80 GB in size and include data and free space. You can then restore that disk image to another volume. In the Disk Utility app on your Mac, select a disk, volume, or connected device in the sidebar. Feb 26, 2018  How to Change Volume Silently on a Mac. To turn off the sound effects that accompany a press on your Mac's volume keys, so that you can change the volume silently, click on the Apple menu → Click on 'System Preferences' → Click on 'Sound' → Then, click on the checkbox next to 'Play feedback when volume is changed.'

Since I haven't found the correct instructions for doing this in Fedora (EDIT: people pointed in comments that this should also work on CentOS and Suse) (/etc/default/docker isn't used there), I'm adding my answer here: You have to edit /etc/sysconfig/docker, and add the -g option in the OPTIONS variable. If there's more than one option, make sure you enclose them in '. In my case, that file contained: OPTIONS=--selinux-enabled so it would become OPTIONS='--selinux-enabled -g /mnt' After a restart ( systemctl restart docker), Docker should use the new directory.

This solution works on Red Hat 7.2 & Docker 1.12.0 Edit the file /lib/systemd/system/docker.service in your text editor. Add -g /path/to/docker/ at the end of ExecStart directive. The complete line should look like this. ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -g /path/to/docker/ Execute the below command systemctl daemon-reload systemctl restart docker Execute the command to check docker directory docker info grep 'loop file Dir' If you have /etc/sysconfig/docker file in Red Hat or docker 1.7.1 check answer. For Debian/Ubuntu or Fedora, you can probably use the other answers.

But if you don't have files under /etc/default/docker or /etc/sysconfig/docker, and your system is running systemd, you may want to follow. I am using Arch, and this works for me.

Basically, you need to configure systemd to read the new docker image location as an environment variable, and pass that environment variable into the Docker daemon execution script. For completeness, here is h3nrick's answer: Do you have a /lib/systemd/system/docker.service file? If so, edit it so that the Docker service uses the usual /etc/default/docker as an environment file: EnvironmentFile=-/etc/default/docker.

Change Image For Mac Volume

In the /etc/default/docker file then add DOCKER_OPTS='-g /home/rseixas/Programs/Docker/images'. At the end just do a systemctl daemon-reload && systemctl restart docker. For further information please also have a look at the.

On an AWS Ubuntu 16.04 Server I put the Docker images on a separate EBS, mounted on /home/ubuntu/kaggle/, under the docker dir This snippet of my initialization script worked correctly # where are the images initially stored? Sudo docker info grep 'Root Dir' #. Not where I want them # modify the configuration files to change to image location # NOTE this generates an error # WARNING: Usage of loopback devices is strongly discouraged for production use. # Use `--storage-opt dm.thinpooldev` to specify a custom block storage device. How to enable remote desktop for mac

When you press a brightness up/down button, or a volume controll button, a transparent window pops up that shows you what you're doing. These images are called bezels. You can find these images in /System -> Library -> CoreServices -> BezelUI -> Images. Note that to adapt them, you would have to change the permissions first. You could, for example, try to make the percentage blocks more roundish, or even do somthing with Aqua-like effects and colour.

[ robg adds: Has anyone experimented with these images? Will they even accept color?

They look like black and white masks to me.]. I can't stand the sound change noise. Especially when you have the sound turned up loud, it's really anoying. I have now changed it to a nice frog croak I found on They have some other nice aiff sounds there as well, all for free! For those of you with GarageBand, you can also use any one of the loops as well. I tried several of the shortest loops out, but they seemed a bit long for my taste. You can find the GB loops here: /Library/Application Support/GarageBand/Apple Loops/Apple Loops for GarageBand What fun!