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Problems Inserting Shapes Powerpoint For Mac 2017

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Problems Inserting Shapes Powerpoint For Mac 2017 Rating: 8,1/10 2246 votes

Feb 22, 2016 - Find solutions and workaround for PowerPoint issues in Adobe Presenter. Free iphone explorer for mac. Saving those shapes as images on local disk and then insert it in. Shapes are a great way to make a PowerPoint presentation as visual as possible, giving you clear areas that draw the eye and make information easy to understand. To add even more visual flair, you can also crop an image to make it automatically fit inside your shape.

The Annoying PowerPoint Erroras we like to call it here at BrightCarbon. In more technical terms, it’s that error that appears after you spent hours crafting a wonderful presentation, and when you’re about to save, tells you very helpfully “PowerPoint found an error that it can’t correct. You should save presentations, quit, and then restart PowerPoint.” Except, well, you can’t save, because that’s when the error appears. And nobody likes to lose work. This error has been the cause of too many instances of hair pulling (or beard-pulling – easier for some) amongst us. But we believe we might have found a way around it. Many forums will tell you to transfer all your presentation over to a new document and save it then.

More often than not, though, this technique doesn’t work, as the problem doesn’t come from PowerPoint in itself, but rather from the elements you used in your presentation. Specifically, pictures and/or ink drawings. So, here are a few things you should try if it happens to you: [Editor’s note – a quick thing to try before the following is to try saving as.ppt instead of.pptx – that sometimes works quickly and easily.] First, and this can’t be said enough, save regularly. It will help in identifying where the problem comes from. It’s easier to go through five slides worth of content than twenty. Secondly, compress all your pictures. This can be a little tedious, but it will most certainly help (at least the size of your file).

You can access this by clicking on the picture (or selecting several), check you are in the “Picture Tools / Format” tab, and select “Compress Picture”. A dialogue box will appear with different options. You can either choose 220ppi or 150ppi, as none of those will make your picture lose quality. Once you have done this, try to save again. If it works, then you’ve cracked it! Go get some of your favourite snack to celebrate. If the error still appears, you can still go get a snack to raise your spirits, and then move on to the next thing to do.

Ink drawings can be the other source of the error. Go through your slides and look up if you have any. If yes, then select each one of them, copy them (Ctrl+C) then right-click and select “Paste as picture”. (Helpfully illustrated by this scribble of a sheep.) You can then delete your ink drawing.

Make sure you do this for all of them. It’s then time for the second moment of truth. Try to save your file again. Go grab a coffee (or any of your preferred beverages) and improvise a small party with your colleagues. The waste basket of the paper shredder should provide you with all the confetti you desire.* It doesn’t work?

We still advise the coffee, and maybe go get a hug from a sympathetic co-worker. Then come back, because we’re not done. Our last tip is not for the faint-hearted, as you will have to delete bits of your presentation. If none of the other solutions have worked so far, it means one (or more) pictures are corrupted. Here’s how you should proceed. Figure out which content you have added since your last save (this is where the “save regularly” tip comes in handy), then follow these steps: 1- Select picture 2- Delete picture 3- Try to save: • If you can save: there was your culprit, the Dreadful Corrupted Picture. (see below for what to do then) • If you still get the error: “Undo” delete and move on to the next picture.

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4- Repeat step 2 and 3 until you find the Dreadful Corrupted Picture. 5- If you still can’t find it after going through everything, delete all pictures and try to save. If you have found the Dreadful Corrupted Picture, but really need to use it in your presentation, here are a few tips: – Try to download it again – Get it in a different format (JPEG to PNG, or vice-versa) – Open it in a photo software and save it as a new file. *We do not take responsibility for what your management might think of a surprise office party involving bits of shredded paper. Proceed with caution. • Share this • • •.

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